Tag Archives: Prayer

What the World Needs Now is…

In 1965 Jackie DeShannon sand “What the World Needs Now is Love.” With the opening lyrics of: “What the world needs now Is love, sweet love It’s the only thing

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Are You Brave Enough?

Are you brave enough to pray the Lord’s Prayer?  Do you think that is a strange question?  Most people do when they hear it, but it is a legitimate question.  In the Lord’s Prayer, we obligate ourselves to some pretty … Continue reading

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How a Rosary Returned Me to Prayer

People of faith are supposed to pray every day.  How many do?  I do not know, but I would wager a hefty bet that, of the number of people claiming to be people of faith, only a small percentage of … Continue reading

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Medical Professionals do not always appreciate the insertion of faith into a patient’s care plan.  At the same time, there are members of both the clergy and laity that do not fully appreciate medical professionals – particularly those in the … Continue reading

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The Eighth Station – Weep for Your Children

The Eighth Station of the Cross – Jesus Speaks to the Women Not long ago

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I Want a Better Prayer Life

I want a better prayer life.  The first response to such a statement (at least among people of faith) is frequently, “Don’t we all.”  This desire for better prayer lives is

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For Ash Wednesday and Fridays During Lent

For Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent: TURN thou us, O good Lord, and so shall we be turned. Be favourable, O Lord, be favourable to thy people, who turn to thee in weeping, fasting, and praying. For thou art … Continue reading

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Christ the King

The last Sunday prior to the beginning of Advent is Christ the King Sunday.  This year that Sunday is the 24th of November. I am fond of the title “Christ the King.”  I think it is a wonderful name for … Continue reading

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I believe in… the Communion of Saints

The 1st of November is the Feast of All Saints on the Church Calendar. “I believe in… the Communion of Saints” goes the line in the Apostles’ Creed.  But, just what does that mean?  When I first started to reflect … Continue reading

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St Michael the Archangel and Spiritual Warfare

War broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back,

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