Category Archives: Christian Living

Talking Past Each Other

Somewhat recently I was engaged in what started as an inquiry and ended up morphing into not quite an argument – but certainly a terse conversation.  It started with my question of how a word could best be interpreted from … Continue reading

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In his book No Man Is an Island (originally published in 1955), Thomas Merton writes “Although in the end we alone are capable of experiencing who we are,… [w]e learn to live by living together with others, and by living … Continue reading

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Ash Wednesday 2021

Internet is more off than on currently due to the winter conditions in Texas causing major infrastructure disruptions. That has motivated this post during a “Quick get online while the internet is running” post — EDIT – From the start … Continue reading

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Eartha Kitt — Black Little Angels – Angelitos Negros

  This was posted on my Facebook Page some time ago and I thought at the time I should put it here as a blog post but never did.  It came to mind this morning so I am creating the … Continue reading

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What the World Needs Now is…

In 1965 Jackie DeShannon sand “What the World Needs Now is Love.” With the opening lyrics of: “What the world needs now Is love, sweet love It’s the only thing

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Are You Brave Enough?

Are you brave enough to pray the Lord’s Prayer?  Do you think that is a strange question?  Most people do when they hear it, but it is a legitimate question.  In the Lord’s Prayer, we obligate ourselves to some pretty … Continue reading

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How a Rosary Returned Me to Prayer

People of faith are supposed to pray every day.  How many do?  I do not know, but I would wager a hefty bet that, of the number of people claiming to be people of faith, only a small percentage of … Continue reading

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Maintain Your Defenses

This is a photo of the Tantallon Castle.  It was once, as castles are built to be, a strong defense against those who wish to harm the people living inside the castle walls.  The thing about castles, as can be … Continue reading

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What Can We Learn from Martha and Mary?

There are some who use this story to lambaste Martha and praise Mary telling us to learn from Martha’s mistake and Mary’s example. I think that is overly simplistic. Both Martha and Mary were doing good things.  The situation, however,

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Crucifix Selfie

The Bible says that “God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).  I have always found that verse to be comforting.  After all, it begins by reminding me that … Continue reading

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