Tag Archives: Crucifixion

Find Hope and Justice in Humiliation and Injustice

In the book written by Luke named “Acts” (AKA The Acts of the Apostles) in the Bible, there are a couple of separate stories in chapter 8.  The first is about Simon the Magician trying to buy the Apostles’ blessing … Continue reading

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Crucifix Selfie

The Bible says that “God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).  I have always found that verse to be comforting.  After all, it begins by reminding me that … Continue reading

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The Atonement

The Atonement is about us being one with God.  In fact, a good way to understand the word is – At-One-Ment.  If the word atonement is all about being one with God why do so many people fight about what … Continue reading

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Did She Remember?

It is the 26th of March 2017.  The 4th Sunday of Lent and the day after the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the day when the Church recognizes the angel coming to Mary and telling … Continue reading

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Pie de la Cruz

Pie de la Cruz – no, not an exotic dessert –

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Where Have Your Feet Taken You

 Feet are strange. You would think that they are all about the same but that is not true. Everyone has seen ugly feet and everyone has seen good-looking feet. There are flat feet and highly arched feet. There are feet … Continue reading

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Why the Crucifix?

When I was growing up I heard a lot of comments from a variety of sources raising concern with the practice of some denominations to use the crucifix as an emblem of Christian faith. “The problem with _________ is that … Continue reading

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The Holy Cross

 There is a Christian praise song with the lyric: We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.  A very different sacrifice than that of the Cross. It is September 14th and for those who are not … Continue reading

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