How a Rosary Returned Me to Prayer

People of faith are supposed to pray every day.  How many do?  I do not know, but I would wager a hefty bet that, of the number of people claiming to be people of faith, only a small percentage of the total pray daily.  Over the years I have been in many conversations with people who all make similar claims – I do not know how to pray, OR I cannot pray.

I am sympathetic to this feeling as I have frequently felt the same way.  I have prayed Continue reading

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Maintain Your Defenses

Scotland 2013, Tantallon Castle, crumbling curtain walls ...This is a photo of the Tantallon Castle.  It was once, as castles are built to be, a strong defense against those who wish to harm the people living inside the castle walls.  The thing about castles, as can be seen in the picture, is that their walls will crumble.  All across the UK and Europe are castles that are falling down – castles that once allowed people to rest safely inside.  The thing is, castle walls must Continue reading

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What Can We Learn from Martha and Mary?

Image result for Mary and MarthaThere are some who use this story to lambaste Martha and praise Mary telling us to learn from Martha’s mistake and Mary’s example.

I think that is overly simplistic.

Both Martha and Mary were doing good things.  The situation, however, Continue reading

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Crucifix Selfie

The Bible says that “God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).  I have always found that verse to be comforting.  After all, it begins by reminding me that God loves us.  Then the other day I was out taking photos, and another thought came to mind. Continue reading

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This is My Body

My earliest church experience was in a small King James Baptist Church.  I loved that congregation.  They did many things for me, but most importantly they introduced me to Jesus.  The pastor there was a man by the name of Continue reading

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Why Are You Dressed Like That? Part 6

Welcome to: Why are you dressed like that? Part 6 – What is that weird silk bracelet thingy on your wrist?  This is a series of entries motivated by a young girl who visited us at St Francis Church and said to me: Why are you dressed like that?

Image result for maniple vestmentFirst, I invite you to Part 1 where you will you can read my disclaimer as to the accuracy of any assigned values to vestments.  If you do not want to go to that entry, the disclaimer is also copied at the end of this installment.

In Part 5, I discussed the Zucchetto and Biretta – two different types of hat your priest may be wearing when in vestments.  In this installment, I will discuss the Maniple Continue reading

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Why Are You Dressed Like That? Part 5

Welcome to: Why are you dressed like that? Part 5 – What is on your head?  This is a series of entries motivated by a young girl who visited us at St Francis Church and said to me: Why are you dressed like that?

First, I invite you to Part 1 where you will you can read my disclaimer as to the accuracy of any assigned values to vestments.  If you do not want to go to that entry, the disclaimer is also copied at the end of this installment.

In Part 4, I discussed the Chasuble – that poncho-like garment the priest wears when celebrating the Eucharist.  In this installment, I will discuss the zucchetto and biretta.


Zucchetto by House of Hansen

The zucchetto is the small skullcap which is nearly identical to Continue reading

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Why Are You Dressed Like That? Part 4

Welcome to: Why are you dressed like that? Part 4.  This is a series of entries motivated by a young girl who visited us at St Francis Church and said to me: Why are you dressed like that?

First, I invite you to Part 1 where you will you can read my disclaimer as to the accuracy of any assigned values to vestments.  If you do not want to go to that entry, the disclaimer is also copied at the end of this installment.

Image result for chasuble

St Francis on the front with Crosses on the Back

In Part 3, I discussed the Stole and the Tippet – those scarf like items hanging around a priest’s neck.  In this installment, I will discuss the next layer of vestments, the Chasuble. The chasuble is the poncho-like garment the priest wears when celebrating the Eucharist.

Before going further I will point out that if your priest is Continue reading

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Why Are You Dressed Like That? Part 3

Welcome to: Why are you dressed like that? Part 3.  This is a series of entries motivated by a young girl who visited us at St Francis Church and said to me: Why are you dressed like that?

Image result for priest stole

Image from Pintrest

First, I invite you to Part 1 where you will you can read my disclaimer as to the accuracy of any assigned values to vestments.  If you do not want to go to that entry, the disclaimer is also copied at the end of this installment.

In Part 2, I discussed the Alb/Surplice/Cotta – those white gowns/robes that priests wear over their black street clothes and/or cassocks.  Next comes that scarf hanging around their necks – what is that and why wear it?

There are actually a couple of different things your priest may be wearing around his neck.  Almost all liturgical churches (Roman Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox, and even some Protestant denominations) make use of the Stole.  In the Anglican Church, there is also Continue reading

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Why Are You Dressed Like That? Part 2

Wearing a surplice for a baptismal service at an Army chapel.

Welcome to: Why are you dressed like that? Part 2.  This is a series of entries motivated by a young girl who visited us at St Francis Church and said to me: Why are you dressed like that?  Continue reading

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