Six-Word Essays have been growing in popularity (Spoiler – this is not one of them as the first Eight words proved). If you Google: Six Word Essays – a long list of websites will greet you including the story where I first heard about them.
The premise is to convey an entire concept, not just a complete thought, in six words. A complete concept in Six Words – no more and no less. Can you do it?
God the Father said: I am who I am. – Five Words
God the Father also said: I am has sent me to you. – Seven Words
Jesus said: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. – Ten Words
To be fair – they were not being asked to speak specifically in Six Words. I am sure they could if asked – and probably did at one point or another. I could find out if I examined every turn of phrase in the Bible but that would take too long. Of course then we would need to decide which translation to use or if we ought to use the original text and a variety of other complicating factors. So back to my question, Can you write a Six Word Essay? Give it a try – pick a topic and try to express your understanding of the topic in precisely Six Words.
Here are my attempts:
1. My sin separates me from God
2. Jesus saves me from my sin
Some of you may say that I cheated – maybe so. I think each does express a complete concept and therefore qualifies but one is not complete without the other.
I must know that my sin is present and the condition it puts me in. That is a complete message and why Jesus asks: Do you want to be healed?
I must also know that healing comes from Jesus and can be had by any who seeks and asks for it, and why Jesus said: I will come and heal him.
Finally, Jesus says to those placing their faith in them: Your faith has made you well.
And when we are well in Christ we can: Take heart, [our] sins are forgiven.
I guess finding Six Word Essays in the Bible is not that hard after all.